Thank you for contacting the Universal House of Justice with the Davidic King as its President. Please read the following statement prior to filling out the Contact Information Form below.
The UHJ was established on January 9th, 1951 by Shoghi Effendi in the name First International Baha'i Council, with 'Abdu'l-Baha's Aghsan son as its president. It succeeded Shoghi Effendi as the successor to Baha'u'llah with full powers of conferred infallibility on November 4th, 1957. Today, the great-grandson of 'Abdu'l-Baha is its President seated upon the Throne of David so we can recognize the true UHJ from fakes, frauds and imitations. The Legislative Body, in accordance with the Four Stage Plan of Shoghi Effendi, is comprised of 24 elders - 12 men and 12 women - spoken of in the Book of Revelation seated upon their own thrones surrounding the throne of David, which is the "sacred head and distinguished member for life of that body" (W&T, p. 14).
In April of 1960, a group of people called the "Hands" went against the UHJ with 'Abdu'l-Baha's Aghsan son as the President and thereby went against Shoghi Effendi thus going against God (Will and Testament, page 11). About 12 years after the genuine UHJ, this group called "Hands" created confusion by setting up a bogus so-called headless "Universal House of Justice" in name only without the Davidic Kingship as the President, thus a "headless monster" in Haifa, Israel -- they did this in violation of every single provision of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha. They have no Executive; therefore they are the Covenant breakers. See Will and Testament, Page 15.
The Davidic kingship is the permanent member for life of that body, which is the Executive Branch, so we can recognize the true council. The living Davidic King is therefore the "sign of God" (W&T, p. 11) by which the true Council of the UHJ is identified. The "Hands" headless "House of Justice" on Mt. Carmel has no executive branch. They have no Executive; therefore they are the Covenant breakers. See Will and Testament, Page 15.
In aftermath of the "Hands" violation, there are currently seven main groups calling themselves "Baha'i", six of them including the "Hands" outside the provisons of the Will and Testament, and one, the church of Philadelphia which has the "Key of David" that remains under the provisons of the Covenant.
The true Universal House of Justice with the Davidic King has an OPEN DOOR POLICY to serve the members of ALL SEVEN groups as well as the members of the seven main World Faiths and the public at large without prejudice, denomination or distinction. As it recognizes all peoples and the members of all Baha'i groups, it is Universal. As it is founded in the provisions of the Covenant as delienated by 'Abdu'l-Baha in the Will and Testament with the Davidic Kingship as its presiding member it is Just. Therefore it is the Universal House of Justice. We therefore encourage all people to write and contact us using the form below. If you are a member of the group following the "Hands" and wish to contact their phony headless "House of Justice" in Haifa, Israel, we recommend that you read and contact your LSA/NSA. The purpose of this TEST is because THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE Universal House of Justice, which is the one with the Davidic King as its President foretold of in all the books of God. Passing this TEST is as easy as falling off a log! This TEST is to see if the people will go by the CRITERIA in the Will and Testament or go by something else. "He that turneth unto whatsoever else is indeed in grievous error". (W&T, p. 26)
"Reflections such as these should steel the resolve of the entire Baha'i community, should dissipate their forebodings, and arouse them to rededicate themselves to every single provision of that DIVINE CHARTER [the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha] whose outline has been delineated for them by the pen of Abdu'l-Baha." (Shoghi Effendi, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 73)
- Baha'u'llah,
Kitab-i-Ahd, Book of the Everlasting Covenant of God.